There appears to have been an implied lack of clarity regarding My Chosen position again. Though I'm confident that 'the other guys' are quite aware of My Chosen position - and the telepaths and propheciers absolutely so - restating it quite plainly will make certain.
The Babylonian pseudo-organization seems to have been manifestly been utilizing a strategy of "father, mother, child" in which the "father" symbolizes the authoritarian use of force and dictate, while pseudo-franchises who are not yet in a comfortable position to acknowledge their allegiance to the organization enact the position of "mother", someone to whom the People can supplicate and expect to in some part mitigate the dictates of the "father" figure. The "child" of course is the People themselves, expected to eventually grow into the role of acceptance of the authority structure. That 'certain other party' I'd mentioned had unsuccessfully attempted to behave in the position of the "mother" figure, as do other pseudo-franchises such as Britain and more recently, the Asian dynastic pseudo-authorities.
Consequently then it's quite natural for those who've learned the Babylonian pseudo-organization's stratagems as their native 'culture' to interpret scenarios in ways that are familiar to them, if they know no better. And so it would seem a standard approach is for the Babylonian pseudo-organization to offer to 'haggle' with outside groups, swapping the permanent complicity of those groups in exchange for mitigation of a counter-Divine Will position and its resultant effects. In that, it's not unlike an overt credit scheme - buy now, pay forever. This of course does not mitigate but rather defers and compounds. Of course it does; such a Choice is "absurd", in that it aligns said Chooser with the same counter-Divine Will position which manifests the unsatisfactory and unworthy resultants they'd intended to avoid.
Today there has been investment by 'the other guys' - that is, the telepaths and propheciers who've manifestly Chosen to estrange themselves by taking a counter-Divine Will position which is also counter to their own True Nature - to covertly imply, and disrespectfully so, that I'd so Chosen. Although they surely know better, and I think I've amply stated as much in My last, it nevertheless remains My duty to explain Divine Will, True Nature, and My own Chosen position with plainness and with great distinction.
By contrast, what I'd done was put it thusly: It's the Choice to reject Divine Will and our True Nature which is the basis for all unworthy manifestations and resultants. The sane Choice is to just Choose Divine Will and our True Nature, as those have intrinsic value, are worthy, and are the absolute constants. When sets of people make differing Choices, a group Choosing Divine Will and another not, the qualitative distinction between the value of those positions becomes quite apparent to the People. Compounding investment in the Choice for a counter-Divine Will position only compounds the inherent disparity between them.
All I did was make that plain, and provide a reminder of how that was likely to manifest here given some of the repercussions. And yet I've been encountering 'the other guys' still Choosing a counter-Divine Will position, and amidst that encountering investments in implied disrespect towards Me - not sincerely meant of course, but manifest and manifestly invested in nonetheless - and a continuing motif suggesting that it's the Babylonian mitigation strategy that I've been seeking.
When there's no Divine Will basis for something to manifest, a mitigation isn't what's sought after. Likewise, someone is generally only likely to 'buy into' something like that if they know no better, and think they have no superior basis on which to rely. I think I've amply demonstrated that I do. And that precisely because I do, the results of 'the other guys' investments in a counter-Divine Will basis are likely to manifest significantly undesirable PR for them while they manifestly continue - particularly as there's a superior alternative for the People to Choose.
I comprehend the complex nature of attempting to radically adjust a 'news format' both overt and covert on what amounts to a moment's notice - not that the telepaths and propheciers didn't see it coming well in advance of course - but also notice that they've managed to replace it with yet another 'news item' which will cause the same kind of PR resultant for them that they were presumably seeking to avoid, along with some implied covert disrespect and a motif which again suggests that it's some kind of "absurd" haggling that I'm seeking.
Self-evidently, a plain depiction of how Divine Will principles act upon the larger situation and reaffirmation of My own Chosen position can only be to the good. As I'd said, I was confident that they already understood My Chosen position in alignment with Divine Will. Having stated it again plainly allows for absolute certainty. "Light" does tend to displace improbably uncertainties, and the Choice for Divine Will requires Me to make things plain and serve Divine Will with great distinction.
I should add that professing not to know things they do in fact know already, just as with the implied disrespect, is merely a resultant of their manifest, "absurd" Choice to act without their own True Natures and Divine Will. Were they behaving and living at capacity - that is, in alignment with their own True Nature and with Divine Will - they would of course behave with all the respect and assistance due anyone serving in alignment with Divine Will. And that the value disparity between how they'd behave if properly living in alignment and what I've been manifestly encountering is an absence of value, a "theft" [Knights of Malta context], and that this only compounds both the manifest karmic disparity and the PR resultants I'd described. That surely isn't desirable for anyone involved, and it's probably a matter of My own duty to distinguish Myself from that as well. I can do well enough succeeding by righteousness, and anything that can't be gained on a Divine Will-aligned basis is hardly worth, nor worthy of, having.